When I’ve had time in the evening recently, I’ve found myself drawn to knitting this project. Here’s what I hope the final garment will look like.

This cardigan has a really interesting construction. First you knit a central rectangle.

The fronts and collar are made by knitting a massive circle around the central rectangle. The circle is made up of repeated rectangular sections…

…alternated with triangular wedges.

Each row of the circular section is joined to the central rectangle. I will knit all the way around until I get back to the row of red in the middle, which is my crocheted provisional cast-on. When I undo the red stitches, I will be able to seamlessly join the circle together.

The light blue ovals indicate the sides where I will not join the circle to the central square, leaving space to join the sleeves.
I’m really excited to see how this cardigan turns out.